Forestry Evolution Coaching – Forestry Optional – Printed Notes


Forestry Evolution Coaching – Forestry Optional – Printed Notes

Number of booklets : 11

EVOLUTION-FORESTRY-PRINTED NOTES FOR  IFoS EXAMINATION Evolution has teaching experience of more than 12 years.It produces 7 all India toppers and 60 selections in top 10.Its study materials covers all the topics of civil service examination as well as IFoS examination.The writing style and organisation is strictly in accordance to the demand of UPSC examination,and if used intelligently they are sure to go a long way in helping aspirants securing high marks and an eventual selection.

Evolution is credited with 43 selections out of 85 in 2014 IFoS examination. Such is its caliber of this coaching.

It covers the following topics :-

1. Wild Life and Conservation

2.Type OF Wildlife

3.Manipulative Management

4.Custodial Management

5.Management of Hunting Season

6.Early Wildlife Conservation

7.Philosophy of Early American Conservation

8.Conservation Organization Founded by Huunters

9.Boreal Forest and Arctic

10.Forest Community and Farming

11.Social Forestry in India

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